Publishing. It’s time to publish a guide book.

Publishing. It’s time to publish a guide book.
The ISBN is a unique identifier for a book or other book-like product (such as an audiobook) that specifies its format, edition, and publisher.
Why should I buy an ISBN?
There are many reasons to purchase an ISBN for your title, including:
An ISBN improves the likelihood your book will be found and purchased
An ISBN links to essential information about your book
An ISBN enables more efficient marketing and distribution of your title
Most retailers require ISBNs
Correct use of the ISBN allows different product forms and editions of a book, printed or digital, to be differentiated clearly, ensuring that customers receive the version they require
An ISBN helps you collect and analyze book sales data
An ISBN ensures your book’s information will be stored in the Books In Print database
Books In Print is consulted by publishers, retailers and libraries around world when searching for title information
The ISBN conveys no legal or copyright protection, however, the use of ISBNs for publications is prescribed by law in some countries
ISBNs are the global standard for book identification
ISBNs never expire