Writing takes courage. Singing takes courage. Performing takes courage. Working takes courage. Unfortunately, many cave to fear and never pursue their dreams.
We joke with our clients that hiring Hibard Group is like hiring an entire motivational team.
From start to finish, we’re going to cheer you on with our proverbial pom poms. Since 2016, we haven’t worked with one author who came to us bursting with confidence, assured that their script was a bulls eye.
When you work with Hibard Group, you join the Hibard Group Courage Academy…whether you like it or not.
Courage will get you out of the starting blocks. Courage will keep you moving forward. Courage will help you get back up after you stumble, fall, and experience a setback, or two, or three.
You and your project are up against the same challenges as everybody else, but we hope you’ll be different and you won’t let fear keep your book unwritten, your song un sung, or your project just an idea you had back when you were younger.